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(mysqli): SELECT i.* FROM issues i WHERE issue_id = 9 AND journal_id = 1  

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(mysqli): SELECT i.* FROM issues i WHERE issue_id = 9  

(mysqli): SELECT * FROM issue_settings WHERE issue_id = '9'  

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(mysqli): SELECT * FROM author_settings WHERE author_id = '730'  

(mysqli): SELECT * FROM author_settings WHERE author_id = '731'  
TY - JOUR AU - B. J. O. Mujakperuo AU - O. J. Airen PY - 2023/09/29 Y2 - 2024/10/22 TI - GEOLOGICAL AGE EVALUATION OF SAPELE DEEP FIELD, DELTA STATE, SOUTH-SOUTH NIGERIA JF - African Journal of Health, Safety and Environment JA - AJHSE VL - 4 IS - 2 SE - Articles DO - 10.52417/ajhse.v4i2.365 UR - https://www.ajhse.org/index.php/ajhse/article/view/365 AB - One of the most productive fields in the Niger Delta is the Sapele Deep field, an onshore field of OML 41 that is situated in the Northwestern region (Greater Ughelli depobelt) of the oil province. The Niger Delta chronostratigraphic map from SPDC (2010) and well-log, seismic, and biostratigraphic data from six wells within the Niger Delta Province were used to conduct the age assessment of the field. PetrelĀ®2016 (Schlumberger software) was used in the interpretation of seismic and well log data used in this research.  Age of rocks within the depositional basins of the study area ranges from early Miocene to late Miocene and this was established through the delineated maximum flooding surface and marker fauna from the regional seal of marine transgression which are Me-2-Bolivina-48, Me-1-Haplophragmoides-24, Tor-2-Uvigerina-8, Tor-1-Nonion-4, Ser-3-Dodo Shale, Ser-2-Cassidulina-7, Ser-1-Bolivina-25, Lang-1-Bur-5-Chiloguembelina-3, and Bur-3-Ogara Shale. The specified reference fossils from depths of 6814.5 ft to 12573 ft include Globorotalia plesiotumida, Globigerinoides extremus, Neogloboquadrina acostaensis, Globorotalia lenguaensis, Globoturborotalita nepenthes, Orbulina suturalis, Fohsella robusta, Fohsella fohsi, Fohsella peripheroacuta, Fohsella praefohsi, Praeorbulina glomerosa, Fohsella birnageae, Globigerinatella insueta, Praeorbulina sicana, and Catapstdrax dissimilis. The depth range for these markers spans from 6814.5 ft to 12573 ft. ER -
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